Proven Strategies to Get Your Emails Opened
Getting people to open and respond to your emails takes more than just throwing content out there. There's an art and science to crafting effective, attention-grabbing emails. Recently, Phill Agnew shared five psychological tactics on his podcast "Nudge" to help you write better emails and improve open and response rates.
Leverage Loss Aversion: Highlight what potential customers may be missing by not partnering with your showroom. As Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman explained, people tend to place more emphasis on losses than gains. Instead of promoting a sale, craft subject lines like "One-Time Limited Opportunity You Can't Afford to Miss."
Tap into Social Proof: People like to follow the crowd. Rather than simply stating you serve certain neighborhoods, quantify your success not only with emails but on your web page and other marketing materials: "Why Custom Kitchens has been the Choice of 150 Homeowners in Huntington This Year."
Leverage Existing Customers: Don't ignore past customers – people buy from those they know and trust. During projects, send emails like "We've been working at your home for a month, let us know who we are doing and would you write a review?"
Emphasize Scarcity: Scarcity drives demand. Try subject lines like "10% Off Your Renovation This Week Only – Limited to One Room."
Spark Curiosity: Curiosity is a powerful motivator. Barack Obama's 2012 "Hey" subject line fundraising email raised $690 million. A figure ABC News claims was the most effective pitch of all fundraising requests. Pique interest with subject lines such as "Sneak Peek," "A Hidden Gem," or "Game Changer."
Try these tactics and let us know if you improve open, read, and act rates.