BKBG Business Blog

BKBG Business Blog

How many times have you thought, if only I had more time? As John Doerr points out in his best-selling book, Measure What Matters, every time you...

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Jonah Berger is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and the author of several New York Times bestselling books on social influence, word...

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There have been voluminous works published on the changing nature of consumer behavior. Today’s kitchen and bath showroom clients are not...

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It’s been an amazing run for many kitchen and bath showrooms with unprecedented demand and unimaginable challenges from supply chain...

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Michael Lewis’ (of Liar’s Poker and Money Ball fame) book Flash Boys explains how companies use mathematical algorithms and stock...

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John Burns Real Estate has published a recent trends report on the state of the kitchen and bath industry which historically has served as a...

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My favorite coffee shop is closed for renovations. One of the employees, who has a disheartening resemblance to Charles Manson, explained that the...

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Listening to Tim Ferris interview renowned executive coach Matt Mochary on the Tim Ferris Show podcast was eye-opening. Mochary explained why most...

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Most great communicators are also great listeners. When you demonstrate that you have heard and understand what someone else is saying, you build...

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Best-selling author and New York Times columnist Tom Friedman stated that average is no longer good enough to compete in today’s economy....

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Every week, BKBG’s Buzz includes a blog that shareholders can customize and use as their own to place on their websites, social media...

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If you ask most team members if they enjoyed their staff or other business meetings, most of the answers would be a resounding no. Changing the...

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